and I can't wait. So here's another funny thing. One of the guys I was talking to last night told me, well I told him that we were flying out of El Paso (Or ElPasoJuarez or JuarezElPaso as he calls it, because really the city is one and then same) and he was talking about how much he likes it. He says it's the last old west town in the world and it's full of cowboys and cholos and drunks. He got excited about it. I told him I was glad to hear it because everybody else thinks it's ugly. He was like "That's because it's full of chicanos! That's racism plain and simple," and then he told me about one time when he was in this gas station and this girl from Holland came in, knew barely any English, and they were talking about El Paso somehow and she was like, "Isn't that the....armpit? Of Texas?" He told her "You've been talking to too many white people!" and also that "White people don't like Mexicans." Which I guess is true to a large extent. But I do.
Anyway, the above picture is taken in Chocolate Mayordomo where I like to go and get frothy foamy chocolate drinks. I took it and include it here because I like the girls in the corner doing the bookkeeping. I have seen this in several restaurants now and it amuses me.
Great set of posts,Kira -- I can feel the excitement! Someday you'll be one of the speakers, talking about your illustrated books or posters and being amused and honored by budding new authors/artists who want to hang out with you :-)
I don't think it is all suerte (misspelled? -- luck) but enthusiasm, interest, passion, genuinicity!
I am not so sure that genuinicity is a word though
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