Haha! I saw the grossest thing in Súria, some guy was sitting on his front step with...well, actually this is not appropriate. I won´t add it here.
So anyway, I am in the weirdest albergue ever. It is full of children. It is next to a school, in the same building actually. And it is somewhat sinister with long black enclosed hallways and big numbers over the doors and piped in music, like Britany Spears and Natalie Imbrulia.
But guess what I saw today! Oh lord, it was crazy, it was so crazy! Yo flipé. Look, I saw THIS!

But the REAL THING. It was so beautiful. Guess what else I saw! The REAL Garden of Earthly Delights! It´s HUGE. There aren´t even pictures online that do them justice, though. You all have to go get a book and look at them to live vicariously with me. It was VERY exciting to just walk into a room and see it there. I also saw Las Meninas, by Velazquez, and a bunch of Rubens, which I don´t care for as much, and Memling! I saw Memling!
I also saw the surliest museum staff ever, truth be told. You would think they would be happy to be working there. Thanks to them what I didn´t see was Goya´s Third of May, so I think I may stay here an extra day and go tomorrow.

I don't think you should come home, even though I miss you. But it is much nicer there it seems. And now I am so worried about what we will do with Ana and Elena and everyone -- they can't just walk around and see interesting people who will be so nice and hmmm. Maybe it will seem that way for them here . . . ?
Maybe you should be a travel writer, like all those people who talk on NPR, who just go to live in other countries and write witty, intriguing, puzzling things that reveal the beauty and poop of wherever they are. You could do this! Do it!
your dad and grampa have much to say but went to bed. they send you thoughts telepathically, so be receptive!
Wine is gross, but rubens are good, so I'm glad you had some of those.
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