Portugeuse people are incredibly nice. They are a very, very patient people. And very caring. Whether it's the woman passing by and telling you that you need to be more careful with your bag, or the guy who walks you halfway to your destination (because he knows that you are not going to understand the directions), to the old lady who hangs out of her window when she sees your group standing in the street and starts yelling out directions and asking where you want to go they are always there to make your experience of their city better.
Everyone we talked to stopped and took time to communicate with us, and if they couldn't help they found people who could. For example when I got lost looking for the hotel where I was going to meet Ana and I talked to couple after couple who kept pointing me out to new people to talk to. Also yesterday I went by this store called Wish, which is actually a design think tank run by united colors of bennetton, and was looking at everything. I asked the girl there about a CD that was I listened to and she ended up offering to burn me a copy at her home that night if I wanted to come back the next day to get it. We also chatted a great deal about her design projects, and the store, and life in Lisboa. She even asked me whether I prefered she talk in English or Portuguese! Which touched me because everybody here assumes that I traveled thousands of miles in order to communicate with people in English. Except people who don't know any English, and then I get to hear people speaking the most beautiful words ever. I just don't understand them.
So a mix is good.
Anyway, in Lisboa there is a strong attitude of openess, friendliness and sincere concern for others that was touching. All this coupled with a beautiful city with amazing weather. I really love it here.
p.s. Here are two fun facts. One I can't remember but the other is that here the days of the week are numbered! That is to say the week goes First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Sunday. I find this hilarious.
Ah! I remember the other one! In spanish the phrase "decadent" means, as far as I understand it, run down. Or, not in shambles but decaying. I heard it used to refer to the state of the buildings and monuments here. I had always thought of decadent as something that is "over the top".
Although, I guess "over the top" is sort of like "over the hill" which also has connotations of decay, no? So anyway, now I know better.
Howdy Kira,
I'm enjoying your words and am happy to hear that you're having a great experience. Please teach me how to say "Pork chop sandwiches" in Portuguese. And have fun. Darin
Look: i'm learning things while traveling too. In california, you don't graduate but instead "promote," and you don't get diplomas but instead "promotion papers."
Also, you must go 40 in 25 mph zones, 60 in 40, and 80 when in doubt.
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