Okay Tom, so what's this train? I expect you to be able to tell me it's whole history.
Friday, November 30, 2007
La muchadumbre es impresionante
The other pictures are were we eat breakfast here. The first one is where we get tacos which are very delicious and actually the first ones we've had so far on the trip. They cost forty cents each and are full of Nopal cactus paddles and onion and pico de gallo and breakfast potatoes.
The second is where we go for juice. A liter of juice (my favorite is orange-papaya-strawberry-oatmeal) is a dollar eighty. And also tasty.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Fast Forward Traveling
Okay, are we all ready? Now that I'm at a place where pictures will actually load I will give you all quick tour through what we have been doing. This was beautiful hot sticky salty and kind of weird that we were there. I mean, look at the place. It was just this big tropical beach right by a jungle and tiki houses with thatched rooves all up the cliff. And all we did was swim and drink lemonade.
Then we went to Puerto Escondidio which looked a lot more like this:
This was our pool. We stayed in a nice hotel. Well, once the girl there walked me to an atm so I could take out money because they wouldn't take the five hundred I had because it was missing a tiny piece of it's corner we stayed there. It was ridiculous. But then I liked her. We talked about the surf championship that had just ended and how someone from Hawaii won.
It was much more crowded, had huge blow up Corona bottles everywhere and music and families and tourists. My favorite part was all the families, well, the ladies and kids, who would just sit, legs out in front of them, in the surf. It's not a good beach for swimming so it makes sense but I just liked it. It was like they weren't even in the water at all.

THIS is the bird that we saw in both those places. I was proud because I actually guessed what it was without knowing anything about it. It's a frigate bird! Cool huh? They are HUGE and look like real big pterydactyls flying around with forked swallow tails. Except I never saw their necks blown up like this. I mostly saw females fishing which had white necks. Anyway.
Then we went to Acapulco which I know sounds all glam and fab and such but really was not that impressive. It seemed pretty run down to me. The zocalo, which is norally the heart of a town, looked like a circus sideshow with neon and christmas lights strung up everywhere and the beach was covered with fish bones and bottle caps and the water was full of plastic bags.
The definitely cool parts were this sign:
This was our key. Oh, there was also some great food.
And here was the decor. Anyway, then we left on the super fanciest bus in the world and came all the way back HERE, to Mexico City and are staying in a haunted hotel.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
The Italian Job
Is to come here to the coast and open restaurants. Apparently. We got lucky and had a good meal on Thanksgiving in an Italian restaurant in San Agustinillo, it was cheesy and olivey and the guy really was italian. Apparently they are all attracted {to this area, Joel wishes me to add)(Italians, that is) because somebody made an Italian movie called Puerto Escondido that is set here! In Puerto Escondido! Oh, apparently we actually ate there the day after thanksgiving, according to Joel. Or the day before. He can't decide and really I can't spend my whole blog just trying to meet his constantly changing desires.
I was sad not to be at home on Thanksgiving. I mean, in a way. I was also happy to be at the beach because I got to boogie board and swim and see what I believe might have been frigate birds, but I also wanted to be home eating lots of food and being warm inside while it's cold outside and visiting. Next year I suppose. But lots of love to everybody.
Anyway now we are in the abovementioned Puerto Escondido and we have CABLE again FINALLY so I can watch the Simpsons. And also a pool and a ceiling fan so finally this vacation is starting to shape up. Although I also got burned for the first time today which is so typically vacation and which I had managed to avoid thus far. CONSTANT VIGILANCE as Moody would say is what is called for when dealing with the sun. I forgot.
Alright, much love to all as I said and more updates either from Acapulco or Coyoacàn in Mexico City (aka Mexico aka el D.F. aka Ciudad de Mexico).
I was sad not to be at home on Thanksgiving. I mean, in a way. I was also happy to be at the beach because I got to boogie board and swim and see what I believe might have been frigate birds, but I also wanted to be home eating lots of food and being warm inside while it's cold outside and visiting. Next year I suppose. But lots of love to everybody.
Anyway now we are in the abovementioned Puerto Escondido and we have CABLE again FINALLY so I can watch the Simpsons. And also a pool and a ceiling fan so finally this vacation is starting to shape up. Although I also got burned for the first time today which is so typically vacation and which I had managed to avoid thus far. CONSTANT VIGILANCE as Moody would say is what is called for when dealing with the sun. I forgot.
Alright, much love to all as I said and more updates either from Acapulco or Coyoacàn in Mexico City (aka Mexico aka el D.F. aka Ciudad de Mexico).
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Fishy Sea Air
Here we are in San Agustinillo. It is hot. And muggy. And pretty wonderful. It's hard to believe that we are here. As Joel mentioned yesterday it is like a completely different trip. It's incredibly green and all the houses have rooves made of palm leaves and the beach is beautiful. Some of the new cabañas being built are really cool looking and this place is obviously going to grow in the future. For right now it's pretty small and quiet though. Especially this time of year.
So spend the mornings sitting on the balcony and watching all the early swimmers trying to convince their girlfriends-wives to come and swim with them and the boats going in and out on turtle tours and for fishing.
There are also dogs everywhere here. Normal looking dogs with owners and everything! And tons of french people. But not the nice french tourists, the stuck up french ex-pats who will teach you to surf or sell you expensive juice but not be happy about it.
Possibly this is just my perspective.
Anyway! Now I must go and rent a boogie board and log my time in the surf. I would have put up a picture of Joel and I fixing our mosquito net which is a startling bright pink color but the connection is too slow here for pictures to ever finish, so that will have to wait.
until then!
So spend the mornings sitting on the balcony and watching all the early swimmers trying to convince their girlfriends-wives to come and swim with them and the boats going in and out on turtle tours and for fishing.
There are also dogs everywhere here. Normal looking dogs with owners and everything! And tons of french people. But not the nice french tourists, the stuck up french ex-pats who will teach you to surf or sell you expensive juice but not be happy about it.
Possibly this is just my perspective.
Anyway! Now I must go and rent a boogie board and log my time in the surf. I would have put up a picture of Joel and I fixing our mosquito net which is a startling bright pink color but the connection is too slow here for pictures to ever finish, so that will have to wait.
until then!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
"¡Vamos a la Playa...!" or "Cooking the Books"
Anyway, the above picture is taken in Chocolate Mayordomo where I like to go and get frothy foamy chocolate drinks. I took it and include it here because I like the girls in the corner doing the bookkeeping. I have seen this in several restaurants now and it amuses me.
Qué Divertido! or Watch out! Action!
Anyway he left and I went over and talked to all the Mariachis for awhile in front of the roasted corn stand. It was great! I showed them my drawings and got some guys email and learned all their names.
Then after that I went back and was looking at the flags and some guy came up and asked if I wanted them and I said, "You bet your sweet bippy I do," and he said, "Okay then," and then he helped me take them down and asked my name and gave me a card for his restaurant in Guadalajara that says "Kira %100 discount". So what about that, huh?
Qué Suerte!
Man, I have been having such great luck these past few days! Luck like you wouldn't believe! So anyway last night I was wandering around with Joel who needed to go home because he was exhausted but I felt like staying out for awhile because it was Noche de Luces and I wanted to see little kids doing karate and gymnastics and stuff like that but then I decided, well, maybe I'll just hang out at the book fair long enough to see a speaker and happened to sit next to the guy who was leading the talk the night before and we started talking because we were both drawing and taking notes. Then he went up and led the next speakers in the questioning and the answering and it was really fun and amusing because it was the second to last night to everybody was relaxed and the authors from previous nights were in the audience and were asking amusing questions and all. And then afterwards I was talking to several people waiting around for this Martín guy to get his email and stuff and I talked to a lady with one of those peruvian hairless dogs in a dog carrier and then to a guy about a book he had which he proceeded to give me (because he could just get another one from the organizers because he was a participant) and Anyway the short and short of it was that Martín invited me to go get dinner with all the above mentioned peole. And more!
This is just a touristy picture of people in traje tradicional. They are getting ready to dance for somebody's wedding. This happens a lot and is accompanied by the dancing of big people puppets and loud pointless fireworks. I say pointless because the are just loud and obnouxious with no redeeming artsy value.
Un Desmadre
The Most Chido Sign
This is the most chido sign I have ever come across and if I thought for a minute that I could get it back with me I would have bought it then and there. As I couldn't I'm determined to make one someday. Somebody cut all the colored foil to put behind glass and then hand painted the sign on the glass. Impressive! It's like going to the circus without ever having to get up from your table or stop sucking on your popcicle. The circus is in town, by the way. They drive through the streets in a truck with a cage on the back playing this god-awful recording that goes "DOODOO DOO DOODOOT! DOODOO DOO DOODOOT! VEINTE VEINTE VEINTE! HOY SOLO A VIENTE PESOS NIÑOS Y VIENTE PESOS ADULTOS!" and in the cage there are either three leopards looking dead or two monkeys looking pissed or things like that and they drive super slow and everyone gets mad and honks at them and all the peds gather around and look at them and touch any part of the animal that sticks out. It's icky.
All the places we've gone to outside of City of Oaxaca have been quite a bit more rural. The typical house seems to be the family compound behind a gate with a few buildings around a central plaza that has cows, burros, lots of turkeys and turkey babies, maybe some chickens and maybe a dog. And probably something burning. It's pretty cool.
You can also see one of the neighbors and a bit of the countryside. It's really pretty except for the HUGE SPIDERS draped over anything horizontal. I tried to take a picture but it didn't express their menace. They are as big as my hand and all crowded together in their webs over everything.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
I just thought, since I am here at the internet pero sans camera cord and, thus, unable to put up pictures and worthwhile blog posts, that I would link to this super cool website.
I met a girl in Madrid who works for them, she is a veterinarian from Portugal and she goes around and makes sure that people who have these special breeds specific to Portugal know how to take care of them. I thought it was great. So here you can see all the special cows and chickens of Portugal.
I met a girl in Madrid who works for them, she is a veterinarian from Portugal and she goes around and makes sure that people who have these special breeds specific to Portugal know how to take care of them. I thought it was great. So here you can see all the special cows and chickens of Portugal.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Other Stuff
I forgot to say what I drew for everybody. For Gramma Ines I drew an accordion, and poker chips and cards. For Gramma Nana I drew some jewlery and a piece of fur and I wanted to draw Starwars because I remember watching it for the first time there but I couldn´t think of how, so I did her steps instead because I liked her steps. For Pop I drew music because he would sing the papering the parlour song and a book because he gave me that book of dragon paper airplanes that I never made because I liked them too much. For Grampa Pete I also drew a book and an icecream sundae and a baseball and a basketball. I realized that it is a great shame that he never got to live next door to William and Maddie like Gramma because they are really the grandchildren he was waiting for, but that's okay I told him about it. Then for Gramma Audrey I drew roses and Tessa and a donkey. And an airplane. And then for Uncle Terry I drew tools, because I think he liked that kind of thing. Anyway. So here is me and Joel. I am eating a Paleta, which I like a lot and he is making juice. Which he likes a lot. It was very exciting when our landlady asked us if we wanted one. She said it real caush', like, "You guys probably wouldn´t want a blender, would you?" and I think Joel fainted. Anyway, for Caddy I drew her laying on her back, and her cheeseball and a car wheel and mom's butt.
Noche de Muertos
But it was very nice. I really like her. And it was a good thing Flor, the lady from the school we are going to, told us that you could do that and it was a nice gesture to offer people things. Later than night when we went to Señora Claudia's house she was explaining stuff about her altar to us and I told Flor about it and she said that traditionally people buy enough stuff for their own altars and then have a pile of other stuff that they bring over to relatives houses when they visit. So everybody ends up exchanging gifts.
We also ate tons of sweet things that she had made, like miquatole which looks like white cheese but is really tastes like compressed cream of wheat, hot chocolate with eggyolk bread (chocolate caliente y pan de yema), calabaza en dulce which is pumpkin cooked in a sugar reduction sauce and ends up black and tastes like molasses, arroz con leche (rice pudding) and finally tehocotes which are little apples done up like the pumpkin. And we saw the borlas (red flowers) and sempasuches (marigolds) and all that. It was great.
After the food we went to the general cemetary (panteón) with Flor and some other students to see her parents. That is where we saw the creepy big grave (pictured above) in the center of the cemetary and the coolest grave I've ever seen, which is the big hand reaching out of the ground. There were some really tasteless ones as well. Then we followed around a couple of street parties where people were dressed in very scary masks and had hired bands and went around dancing and asking for food or mezcal from the houses. It was great.
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