Here is me eating at our best vegetarian restaurant. See, I am eating a stuffed pepper in walnut sauce. The cold soup is also so good! It is made out of fruit in a blender! It's amazing I can keep it down though, with all the gross lovey-dovey business going on in this city. Mexico is the makeout capital of the world, apparently. In the Alameda Central, the park we like to go to, all the benches are full of couples making out. And they're not middle schoolers or something like that. They are old, or middle aged, or look like business guys with their mistresses. And they just lounge all over the benches everywhere or stand on the corners or walk down the street mashing. It offends my puritan sensibilities, let me tell you.
But you know what else is great about that park? All the cops (all 300 of them) are dressed like mariachis! Yep, with big hats and the buckles all down their pants and they ride around on fancy horses. Well, I say "ride" but what I mean to say is that they sit on their horses and talk on their cell phones. And text message. I was always worried they were going to ride into light poles or something, if they ever moved I guess they would.
1 comment:
you all are eating so much good food! I'm putting you on total cooking duty all of Palm Springs vacation. Mole YES! Peppers and things that are stuffed YES!
No dogs on roofs though -- Musu tried that pretty unsuccessfully.
And don't be picking up that constant mashing habit; not a tolerable public activity in the cool and staid NW.
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