But before they even started there was lots of drama. All the cars were set up in the Zocalo, it was pretty typical car show angled parking and oglers and all that. One couple was talking about how long it took to decide the starting order the day before and how they had changed it all at the last minute that morning. (Or maybe they hadn´t? We weren´t clear)
Oh, and then the next guy we walked by was talking about how his engine blew up! "And what did they say?" "Oh! Our engines don't do that!" "Typical!" He was pissed. He was up half the night taking it out and he had spent fifty gazillion dollars to get down there and now look. He has to wait around for a new one. Anyway.
I should go look and see who is in the lead now. There were lots of other cool old Volvos too, but if they have the same pickup that Inga has I'm not sure they stand a chance.
Anyway, so after that we went to Arrazola (which took some doing to get there) and looked at Alebrijes, those famous Oaxacan wood carvings of animals painted bright colors. Everbody there makes them. And they are beautiful. But after about forty minutes I felt like I would puke if I saw another one. Luckily we got some icecream and caught the next collective out of town and now I am enamored of the ones I got once again.
Ooohh - Dave will be SO EXCITED that you are seeing the race. I just sent him an emergency e-mail telling him to check out the blog. What fun!! (I think Tony Curtis might be dead)
Tony Curtis! He's not dead, wikipedia says that he lives in Nevada. Also! That's my car! Get it for me!
Oops - sorry. I was thinking of Ian Kevin Curtis who died on May 18, 1980, the same day Mount St. Helens erupted.
Hmm. i don´t know who that is. But I am hot in pursuit of that volvo, believe you me. speaking of that, how is inga doing? Are you treating her well? Also, why would tony curtis live in nevada? does it enable him to make more casino appearances?
I think he's wheelchair bound now so probably just thinks Nevada is a neat place to hang out.
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