Okay, number three is in regard to mom's question of why we went to Acapulco and what it is like to be traveling again instead of staying in one place.
We went to Acapulco because from Puerto Escondido it is an 18 hour bus ride to Mexico City. From Acapulco it is only a 6 hour bus ride.
Traveling again instead of staying in one place has it's ups and downs. I prefer to stay in one place because you can acutally get comfortable and stop spending all your time finding food and shelter and unpacking and packing your bag. No wonder nomads never had time for culture or civilization.*
But then again I like traveling because then things are always new and exciting and different and I don't get as grouchy. Plus you get to make more comparisons, which means you get to make more judgements and make up stereotypes!
In conclusion, doing both is important.
In reference to the book I've been reading, Trickster Makes This World, I have been thinking about the role of travel as dirtwork. That is, how traveling, or any experience at all really, effects a person's ideas of proper|improper. Any exposure to new ideas definitely can undermine or reinforce old cultural ideas. For example, staying in the hotel we're staying in reinforces my cultural belief that sinks and drains should be cleaned. However, eating in markets makes me question how expensive and complicated restaurants and food are in the US. It also makes me SO JEALOUS that we don't have any good buses in the US.

This is the theater we got to go see a free play in yesterday. I think we were the only people over 11 who were not chaperones. It was fun. Although the girls almost broke the door down when I was in the bathroom afterwards. I think they thought it was a friend because they were banging and like, "who's in there?" and i was like "Hey! Who do you think?" in a growly voice and then they thought I was a man.
*Which reminds me of a funny point. One day in Oaxaca my exchange buddy, Luis, brought in this book from the 60s that was called Questions Children Ask. We read about the sun and gravity and then we read about tattoos. Did you know that many tribes give themselves tattoos because to them it is beautiful? But did you know that there are also civilized people who have tattoos? And that is a direct quote.
civilised ? do you mean like the queen of england ? she would no doubt have a glorious " Brittania" somewhere...so. this is silly. I have not seen you for at least a year. how long is that on the Azteck calendar ? how much longer will we have to carry on without you ? your fuzzy dog is getting .....odd. well, a lot has happened since you have gone. I mean a lot. but that will have to wait until the next time. we are now just trying to keep our heads above the swirling floodwaters and mudslides. and sinkholes. and lapping waves at the back door. fortunately the hot lava from mt. st. Helens is making the floodwaters steam off before they come in the backdoor. but really, they have closed I-5 ! CAN YOU IMAGINE ? ! THE WHOLE THING IS UNDERWATER AT CHEHALIS. THIS ( I CAN'T TURN OFF THE CAPITALS )...IS CAUSING A SUPER MAJOR HASSLE AS THE " DETOUR" IS THROUGH YAKIMA. OK.....I WILL GO TO YOUR NEXT PAGE. ALSO, AS A BUISNESS IDEA, RENT OUT STICKS TO POKE INTO DRAINS AND UN-CLOG THEM AND THEN OFFER TRENDY NEW ONES POSSIBLY WITH CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENTS EACH YEAR, AND YOU WILL SOON BE RICH.
please note that your dad took over my user last night, and posted comments on many of your commentaria antigua!
So -- you can probably tell what is from me and what is from him. He might have used all capital letters, too.
love, mom
please note that your dad took over my user last night, and posted comments on many of your commentaria antigua!
So -- you can probably tell what is from me and what is from him. He might have used all capital letters, too.
love, mom
Kira Dawn,
Maureen and I just wanted to to be the first to say...
Happy Birthday
To You this Monday!!!
And we wish you much happiness and great adventures in the coming year.
~Tom and Maureen
PS...so why DO you have that intriguing look on your face in that photo. You either look hot and tired or serenly beautiful and content. I can't tell. But then again, I'm over 50 and can't tell much these days. Heck, I might even have taken over your Mom's blog identity and am channeling your father's comments! HA! So there. You be the judge. But do tell. And (early) Happy Birthday!
I know about the crazy detour! we read all about it!! I can't believe we are missing the greatest storm in YEARS. I also would not be surprised if my house has flooded. those two reliable leaks we have can channel quite a bit of water if they put their minds to it.
One year on would be six klingon according to the aztec calendar, but it doesn't matter because it also says the world is ending sometime this year i believe. But that won't matter because we'll be fishing for marlin in Mazatlan when it happens i bet. or riding horses on the beach or something.
THE STICK IDEA IS GREAT. I'm going to get Lindsey Lohan or whoever is hot right now to clean out a sink in a commercial and just sit back and let the money roll in.
WHAT?that was not mom posting all those things?? DAAA-AAAD! OOOOOOOO!
Oh well. I know, I kind of can't wait to get home for christmas. But I also don't want the trip to be over.
Thanks Tom and Maureen! I may already be on the train for my birthady, which would be great! or I might be stuck on a bus in Los Mochis watching "Cheaper by the Dozen" which sounds crappy. We'll see!
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